Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Deaf or Death: A Senior Design Students: Movie Poster by Theo Gsell (2021)

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My movie poster was based off of a horror movie that I saw a couple years ago named hush. The movie is about this young girl that was deaf and who is trying to escape being killed by a serial killer. The movie was very interesting because there was no sound at all and it was from the young girl's perspective. I took this idea and decided to reverse it, making the young girl into a killer/monster and thought it would make a good movie. The idea would be that these kids/teens made fun of this deaf kid/teen and led him/her to kill themself and this killer/monster comes back to haunt/kill them but the monster cannot hear them, only see the kids.

I started off by finding a suitable template that I could base my idea off of. I then started the form of the monster and gave it eyes. Then I pampered a bit with the outline of the monster to make it look more frightening and I did lighted droplets coming from the monster. I thought that only putting a single Monster on a red background was not enough so I found an image of a haunted house and put it behind the monster so that it would give the movie poster a bit of depth. I spent quite a while trying to find a title for the movie and I landed on death or deaf which I thought was pretty cool since it was the same word with different meanings and the monster was deaf. I finished up by putting some text on the side and I did my credit block which I used a random name generator for. overall this project was really fun to create and imagine a movie based off of just a single poster. Related website
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