Freestyle Academy proudly presents

The American Dream: A Senior Design Students: Movie Poster by Toby Teksler (2021)

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The main character is a football player who was born in Israel and played soccer as a kid, but once he moved to California for college he fell in love with football. He applied to colleges in California because he wanted to major in engineering and then get a job in silicon valley. He was accepted to USC and walked on to the practice squad of their football team after watching their first game. He had never really seen football before because it isn't a popular sport in Israel, and he fell in love with it instantly. After an injury to one of the team's Wide Receivers he got called up to play in the week 3 game against Stanford. He eventually became the star of the team and went on to be drafted by the Carolina Panthers in the 1st round of the 2023 NFL draft as the 23rd overall pick.

I used Illustrator to make this project, but more specifically I mainly used the pen tool in Illustrator. I used the pen tool to create the outline for the football field, the helmets, and the team logos. Then I used the fill tool to make the outlines the correct color. I also frequently used the eyedropper tool to make multiple things the same exact color. Related website
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