Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Psycho Killer: A Senior Design Students: Movie Poster by Belle Williams (2021)

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A guy working for the FBI in Quantico Virginia slowly starts becoming the people they are looking for or has he already been like them? They're looking for a clown serial killer and he keeps getting disoriented and thinking he is the one doing the killing (PS he isn't). This slowly makes him go out of his mind to the point that he becomes the killer clown.

To make this poster I took a photo of myself in my dad's suit with the help of my mother, who took the photo. I then took it into Adobe Photoshop and edited it to my liking and cropped the edges. I then put the image into Adobe Illustrator and drew on the clown mask and the background. If I had more time, I would want to work on the background but I didn't want it to be too busy looking. Related website
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