Freestyle Academy proudly presents

The Second Sex: A Senior Design Students: Movie Poster by Daniela Shapiro (2021)

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My movie poster depicts a docudrama based on the French philosopher Simone de Beauvoir, who was a pioneering figure of contemporary philosophical feminism. Thought to be one of the major catalysts for the Second Wave Feminism movement, she is recognized for her controversial stance that "one is not born, but rather becomes, a woman". My movie takes place in Paris during the mid-1900s and narrates a dramatized version of de Beauvoir’s devoutly Catholic upbringing (and eventual conversion to atheism), controversial relationship with fellow existentialist philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre, her infamous affair with one of her students, and the motivations behind the creation of her most notable novel, The Second Sex. The movie will emphasize the world’s attempt to silence de Beauvoir, including instances where her literature was regarded as pornography by its critics, forbidden by the Vatican, and had its translations suppressed in the United States.

The poster displays the silhouette of a well-dressed woman to represent de Bevioir, highlighting the emphasis on women’s dress etiquette over intellectual capability at the time. In the background, an illustration of Paris in the 60s is shown. The entire graphic is composed of mellow, serious, and earthy shades to match the general tone. I created my poster using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. The background photo was edited in Photoshop, while the graphics were created using Illustrator. My biggest challenge for this project was brainstorming the idea and story for my movie. While I was originally juggling a multitude of Horror/Action themed movies, I ended up settling with this idea after finding the book The Second Sex on sale, reading it, and becoming highly invested with Simone de Beauvoir’s work and story. In the end, I was happy with how my poster turned out, especially because I felt that it conveyed deeper meaning within the elements. Related website
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