Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Xenologue: Requiem: A Senior Design Students: Movie Poster by David Tran (2021)

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For my movie poster, I decided to create an animation film called Xenologue: Requiem. The movie takes place during a great war between two kingdoms, Altaria and Folkenburg. At a young age, the main character, who is an Altarian Noble, was kidnapped during a raid by Folkenburg and was raised as a Folkerian Noble. As the main character grows up, he learns of his past and attempts to reunite with his original family to learn about his past. As the fog of war consumes all, the main character has to decide whether to fight for his birth family or the family he grew up with.

For this movie poster, I decided to make an animation poster because I really enjoy animated movies, like Ghibli, and wanted to make my own adaptation of one. In my head, I wanted to make a movie that incorporated both fantasy and action because those are my favorite types of films. In my poster, the main character has to make a decision of which kingdom he will fight for and so I decided to make him fall down an endless pit to symbolize being trapped. No matter what side he chooses he will always feel like he is betraying the other kingdom. I also decided to add chess tiles in the background as a way to symbolize that there are two parties at war similar to a chess match. For this project, I only used Adobe Illustrator since I wanted to make an animated film. I used the brush tool to draw my characters and the tiles and then traced them over with the pen tool so I could add color. Related website
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