Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Scarlet: A Senior Design Students: Movie Poster by Elli Lahdesmaki (2021)

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My movie poster is based off of a crime/drama plot that follows the story of the daughter of a wealthy and well-known family, named Scarlet. She is known as the "picture perfect" daughter of the owner of one of the biggest privately owned bank corporations in Poland. Although the family gives off a put-together outlook to the public, the family’s entire income and foundation is based on corruption. Scarlet, as a fight against her family and the corrupt system, becomes an infamous criminal. She ironically starts robbing the biggest privately owned banks, hotels, and other large corporations. She is the least likely suspect for her perfect crimes. Scarlet only runs into trouble when she discovers that an innocent man from a poor family is being wrongly accused of her crimes.

I used Adobe Illustrator to create my movie poster. I was initially going to use Photoshop in addition to Illustrator to create more realistic elements, but as I kept working, I decided that I wanted to create my poster with a more illustrative style rather than realistic. My color scheme was pretty dark and ominous. I mainly used different shades of purple and red to add to the mysterious sense of the movie. Related website
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