Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Priorities: A Junior Narrative Diptych by Aiden Zucker (2011)

In the left photo my diptych narrative, I show a husband on his laptop during a family movie. The son is still watching the movie, but the wife is looking at the husband disapprovingly, since it seems like he is constantly working. The photo on the right shows the “pregnant pause” of the story; the husband has to make a decision or else his wife is going to leave him. He is closing the screen on his laptop and calling out to his wife because he has made up his mind on what is more important to him.

The picture on the left is much darker than the picture on the right to show the turmoil and darkness the husband's workaholic tendencies have brought into the family. The warm light from the movie is spilling on the faces of the son and wife to show how they still feel the warmth of the family. The cool light from the husband's laptop shows how he is in a different place, and separate from the family, without as much love and emotion. The right picture is warm to show the change of attitude towards family that the husband has gone through. The wife is halfway out the door into darkness and uncertainty. This shows that she is sure of herself in her decision and is not looking back. Although the husband is closing the laptop case, it is not closed all the way, foreshadowing that his workaholic problem may return.
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