Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Discovery: A Junior Narrative Diptych by Annalise Tahran (2011)

These photos express the internal issues of a girl who is afraid of being alone. She has been continuously getting into fights with her boyfriend and is scared of losing him and being left to rely on herself. One afternoon a cheerful date turns into a disaster and the couple have another fight. When the girl decides to apologize and try to forget about their fight by attempting to recreate the date with a similar bag of popcorn used for the picnic, she discovers an external conflict, that her boyfriend isn't exactly hers anymore.

For my first picture, to show the girl's internal conflict of fear of being alone I had her boyfriend looking in the distance apart from her, while she looks directly at him. Although the distance and tension between them in such a upbeat, bright setting shows their argument, I wanted her to look fearful of this separation. To create this brightness and conflicting mood I increased the saturation of the picture. In my second image I wanted to show the difference between the two girls in the boyfriends' life. While the main girlfriend wears white, I have the girl the boyfriend is secretly seeing in black, showing a darker aspect.
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