Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Permanent Ink: A Junior Narrative Diptych by Pierre-Henri Joubert (2011)

The main character feels isolated from family, friends, and ties with other human beings in general. His family constantly pushes him away when he attempts to gain their love and respect, and his friends regard him as more of an acquaintance than a true friend. In the climax of his story, he has to make a decision whether or not to join the army in order to try and leave his old environment which is not working, and to join a new one. However, he still has doubts in the back of his mind about whether joining up is the right choice.

The left hand picture shows the main character in his isolated state. There is a single lamp illuminating his face, with darkness surrounding him. This symbolizes his isolation from the rest of the world, as well as his fear of the future, and not being able to see the future past his immediate choices. The right hand picture shows his point of no return, signing up for the army. There is more light in this picture, showing how he is trying to convince himself that his decision is the right one. However, the persisting darkness shows his inner doubt.
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