Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Untitled: A Junior Narrative Diptych by Avery Grimes-Farrow (2011)

The story behind my photo is about a seemingly perfect family of five with two of the three siblings out of the house and in college advancing their college careers. The other daughter is in high school who gets good but not great grades. Her parents always talk about her older siblings and how well they are doing. While her parents are away, she steals prescription drugs from her parents bedroom dresser, in order to make herself feel better, and that is the point of no return. One day as she is leaving the darkened room she is surprised when her parents come home and catch her with the drugs in her hand.

In the left photo it is the girl stealing the drugs from her parents. The room is darkened to give that mysterious feeling and to give you a sense that something is being hidden. Also everything except the pill bottle is darkened so the bottle can have emphasis and direct your attention to it. The letters on the sweater are erased except for the heart to show that this is for her feelings/emotions. The right photo is of the girl being caught by her parents. Her face is lighted to give that feeling that she is caught.
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