Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Caution: A Junior Narrative Diptych by Taura Golafshan (2011)

This diptych is supposed to tell a story of unrealistic and eventually unmet expectations. In the first photo, you see a boy kneeling looking off through a metal fence. The colors of his clothes stand out because his shirt is black and his pants are bright purple. This scene says that he is locked out. The second photo shows the boy rapped up in caution tape lying on the ground. You can not see his full body, only his waist down. The lighting spotlights on him but everything else around him is dark.

The first photo implies the dramatic tone of the setting by the boys expressions and stance. He is low to the ground and looking up and into the distance as if he is reaching towards something. In this scene, the character is late for school and is locked out of the school gate. This is the last time he can be late or he is locked out of those gates forever. He becomes overwhelmed with worry which takes us to my second photo. He is lying on the ground tangled in caution tape to represent he's done trying to fix the mistake he's made. The spotlight is supposed to seal in the viewers attention to the final scene where the main character is at his point of no return.
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