Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Fear to go Higher: A Junior Narrative Diptych by Zachary Baier (2011)

My photo narrative shows the story of somebody that is terrified of heights. The internal conflict is fear of heights. The person is terrified to even think of being high off the ground. The external conflict or the point of no return is when the person gets something of his stuck on the roof and has to get it down. He climbs up a ladder to retrieve it. When he gets to the top he stops and freaks out when he realizes how high he is off the ground.

My first image is of a person as if they are looking down a ladder. To show that the person is afraid of heights, I took the picture looking down the ladder. The first step is in focus and the bottom of the ladder and ground is blurry as if the person looking down doesn't want to see the bottom. My second image is of the person standing at the top of the ladder with a look of terror on his face. This shows that he has to climb the ladder to get something because she has to get the lacrosse stick on the roof in the background. The person on the ladder is clinging on in fear and has a look of terror on his face.
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