Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Getting Things Done: A Junior Self-Portrait Diptych by Kyle Evans (2011)

I Am. I am apathy and procrastination. I wonder how this helps us learn anything. I hear the passing of tests. I see a paper before me. I want to succeed. I am apathy and procrastination. I pretend to be ready. I feel as if I can succeed. I touch the pencil and write. I worry I will fail. I cry if I do. I am apathy and procrastination. I understand that to work hard is important. I say it, but I don't follow it. I dream of sitting down and doing work. I try to do so, and yet. I hope that it'll just turn out okay. I am apathy and procrastination . In my diptych, I tried to represent the feelings I have when I work on school projects and study. Often times when I try to sit down and study, my mind wanders and it becomes difficult to focus. This lack of focus tends to end up with shifting concentration to digital media, most frequently the computer. The point of my diptych is to hopefully show the lack of power I feel when it comes to getting work doneI often feel like the computer is sucking me in attempt to make me failI tried to personify the computer by using wires to attach my model to a textbook, showing that while I can attempt to study, ultimately I am drawn in by the computerIn my second photograph I attempted to show that when it comes to taking the test the next day after staying up late and not getting work done, the computer never really leaves, and is on the back of my mind. My poem was designed to showcase this idea, how I become frustrated when I can't get convince myself that the assignment at hand is worthy of my attention. By writing the poem, I attempted to prove that while I am aware procrastination is dumb in itself, it is simply something that I can't help. All in all, the point of my diptych was to show the hardship of being a procrastinator, and I feel that I managed to do a fairly good job at that.
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