Freestyle Academy proudly presents

The Guardian Angel Lock: A Junior Self-Portrait Diptych by Melanie Hugoo (2011)

I Am. I am untrusting and independent. I wonder what the truth is. I hear the gossips nobody does. I see faces full of pain and disappointment. I want lies and pain to be forbidden. I am untrusting and independent. I pretend that my life is perfect. I feel backstabbed by those I least expected. I touch the purse that holds all my secrets. I worry that people will think I'm weak. I cry that I can't change the past. I am untrusting and independent. I understand you need to be careful with who you trust. I say move on from those who've hurt you. I dream that I could step in the real world. I try not to get my hopes up. I hope I can put my guard down eventually. I am untrusting and independent. My self-portrait poem and my diptych, both reflect my personality and the fact that I don't like to forgive and forgetI decided to put my first image of a girl locked inside her room. She is scared of letting whoever is outside come in, which is why she is staring at the lock with great fear. The lock is what's keeping her safe an preventing her from opening the door, because opening it would mean forgiving the person trying to get inside and forgeting what he or she has done. On the other side of my diptych is supposed to be the girl's view when she looks through the keyhole. She sees a figure trying to break down her door and enter her room, by slamming the chair against the door and becoming violent. The figure is desperately trying to get inside and make her forgive him but she stays strong and trust the lock not to give outIn a way, the lock is her guardian angel, which is why this is the title of this photographI decided to make this my diptych because I feel like after people make the same mistake again, people shouldn't forgive them and pretending everything is back to the way it was before.
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