Freestyle Academy proudly presents

The Edge: A Junior Self-Portrait Diptych by Noah Hoffman (2011)

I Am. I am creative and passionate. I hear the roar of the crowds chanting my name after I win a golf tournament. I see my name in the byline of a newspaper. I want to be someone who garners respect from his peers. I am creative and passionate. I sometimes pretend I'm somebody I'm not. I feel like an adult in a teenagers body. I touch the keyboard as I type away at my articles. I worry that people don't understand who I really am, they just see the cover and don't care about the content of my pages. I cry because I make things way harder than they need to be. I am creative and passionate. I understand that I may come off as annoying. I say that I have something important to say, but I'm not always able to convey it. I dream about being someone I'm probably not. I try to stand out against my peers. I hope that I do stand out. I am creative and passionate. My diptych is a representation of how I'm on the brink of achieving my goals in my passions. It depicts my for most passions: sports journalism and golf. In both writing and golf I feel like I'm on the verge of being able to achieve respect and success. In each case, that so called edge is conveyed differently. In writing the ellipse represents writers block and how sometimes I just get caught up with making things too perfect and ironically it makes my final product worse. In golf, that edge is less metaphorical because there actually is an edge. When a ball doesn't go in the hole it's obvious that I didn't win. But what puts me on the edge is what comes between teeing up the ball and when the ball goes into the hole on the 18th green. It's about how much time and work I put into my game. If I don't put in the effort to improve, I'll begin to move farther and farther from the hole. If I work towards achieving my goals the ball may just creep over the lip.
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