Freestyle Academy proudly presents

I Am: A Junior Self-Portrait Diptych by Paige Topole (2011)

I Am. I am free and adventurous. I wonder what the unknown is. I hear the churching of leaves and the ripple of water. I see tigers and sharks. I want to experience everything. I am free and adventurous. I pretend to be an explorer. I feel liberated. I touch everything that is around me. I cry when adventures are out of reach. I am free and adventurous. I understand that there is danger. I say that with danger comes opportunities. I dream of having every opportunity. I try to explore everything. I hope that adventure will forever bring me happiness. I am free and adventurous . I am someone that loves adventureI can not imagine living a confined life. So to depict this in my diptych I show a girl that is scared of things. Someone that lives their life in a box. As she looks into the mirror, she realizes that this is not the life for her and she tries to escape from the box. She shatters her confinement and all that is left of her old scared ways is the broken image that she leaves behindIn my poem I talk about how there is danger, which is represented by the first image of my diptych. For the girl was to scared of the dangers that were ahead of her, so like many people that I know she picked the route that was ''safer''. Although for her that safe route wasn't enough for '' with danger comes opportunities''. So she decides that it is best to be free, like how I believe that ''adventure will forever bring me happiness''. Finally the second image represents how I ''feel liberated'' when I explore. The breaking of the mirror is to represent this liberation that I feel when I am free and adventurous.
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