Freestyle Academy proudly presents

One in a million: A Junior Self-Portrait Diptych by Sonia Tagare (2011)

My diptych consists of a garden with flowers of different colors. Next to this is a picture of those different colored flowers all brought together securely in a vase. The garden represents society, while the flowers represent the different individuals who make society. The flowers in the vase depict the importance of individuality and its major role in helping society progress through creativity and ingenuity. My diptych exemplifies my poem because the different colored flowers show my want to be an individual and be accepted for my individuality by societyIn my imagination, I am at liberty to be whom I want and to accept others as well without the prejudicing eyes of othersI like to think that people will be more accepting in the future and will allow everyone to feel important no matter whom they are. The flowers in the vase is my dream, and I am determined that this dream will be fulfilled. People will be accepted because others will start to be more open-minded once they realize the impact of each individual in society.
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