Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Simplicity: A Junior Self-Portrait Diptych by Yu-Ju Chen (2011)

I Am. I am simple and strange. I wonder why everything is so complicated. I hear rustling leaves. I see bright cloudy skies. I want a stress free life. I am simple and strange. I pretend I live in another world. I feel in control. I touch grass and sand. I worry about what might not become. I cry about genuine loss. I am simple and strange. I understand time doesn't stop. I say that reality is cruel. I dream that people would be more committed. I try to not falter my ideals. I hope people can accept the unnatural. I am simple and strange . The pictures are of the sky and of an open grass field. The pictures are so simple that they are beautiful. The message I want to get across is that happiness is simple. The grassy field picture almost looks like a utopia with a peaceful air and literally golden overcast. The sky is also equally serene. Simplicity is also depicted in the fact that both images are very commonplace and can be found almost anywhere.
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