Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Spiraling: A Junior Self-Portrait Illustration by Eric Heintzen (2011)

For my artist statement I portrayed my illustration to show a characteristic of mine that has a positive and negative effect on me and other people. My illustration is showing a person throwing a football that is spiraling out of control. The reason I drew this for my illustration is to show the competitive side of myself. When I become competitive I seem to get more pumped or jazzed up. When I tend to get too competitive is when things starts to fall apart. I get really angry and start to feel like everything is everybody else's fault and I become unlike myself. Like I said, my illustration is showing a hand releasing a football. That is what I wanted to draw to to show my competitive edge when it comes to sports. Then I tried to portray the negative side of the trait by showing the football spiraling out of control. That is pretty much showing how I can become out of control and not be myself.
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