Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Slowly Gone: A Junior Self-Portrait Illustration by Hannah Hansen (2011)

In my illustration, I used the relationship between a sunflower and bees to symbolize my relationship with those around me. Similar to a sunflower giving pollen to bees, I am a very caring and giving friend and often drop everything to help those around me.  Although I help many of my peers, I'm often so busy helping them, that I forget to check up on myself and likewise, my peers forget to see if I'm okay. This somewhat unhealthy relationship is represented through my illustration of a dying sunflower surrounded by bees. Facing away from the sun, and beginning to wither away, the sunflower nonetheless continues to serve the bees who appear happy and oblivious to the sunflower's state. Not realizing the flower is dying, the bees continue to surround the flower and take everything they need, leaving the flower to die.
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