Freestyle Academy proudly presents

The Box of Solitude: A Junior Self-Portrait Illustration by Jackson Bartlett (2011)

I created this illustration with the intent of conveying my introverted thought process. I often like to let my imagination wander and come back with a host of new ideas. I feed mostly off of my own thoughts, rarely leaving my box entering those of others. While I do enjoy engaging in collaborative activities, I prefer my solitary thought process as it brings me tranquility of mind. Being a solitary individual, this represents both my personality and the workings of my mind quite exquisitely. I like to delve deep into my thoughts, question my own ideals just to test their validity, and often reflect on obscure and abstract concepts. I enjoy these internal, multiple-perspective debates over relatively meaningless theories. The spontaneity allows for variance and an intangible pocket for being different from others. My box is like my room, I spend much of my time within its borders, it makes me feel secure and safe.
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