Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Looking Through Glasses: A Junior Self-Portrait Illustration by Karly Osborne (2011)

This illustration reflects one quality of me that has proven to be both beneficial and detrimental for my own good. I have found that over the years I look at myself very harshly, constantly setting high goals for myself, and being satisfied with nothing less than success. As I progressed through education especially, my goals became far-fetched, and as a result I am left constantly disappointed with what I have achieved. If I keep looking through these glasses that tell me to reach for the stars, I will end up at an all time low, and I won't appreciate my personal growth like I should. The two lenses of the glasses depict how this personality trait affects me. On one side, high goals results in my being especially successful in life because I reach for the best. On the other hand, such high expectations that I fail to accomplish, leave me sad and with the feeling that I am not good enough. With these high expectations, I am constantly shutting myself down, and there a happy medium is not successful. The light purple background represents the necessity for a middle ground between reaching for the stars, and being grounded by failure. Thus, this image created in Adobe Illustration is a representation of such a trait.
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