Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Fitting In: A Junior Self-Portrait Illustration by Kyle Evans (2011)

In my illustration, I attempted to portray anxiety and the masking of feelings. In my illustration, multiple unicorns are relaxing in a field, but one of them is not all that he seems to be. In reality, one of the unicorns is a horse with, instead of a unicorn horn, empty toilet paper rolls are attached to his head. The idea is that the horse is pretending to be something that it actually isn't in order to feel like it fits in. My goal in creating this piece was to show anxiety and concern of the opinions from others. I feel that my piece does a good job of portraying the idea behind it, since the horse stands out so obviously from the unicorns that it is comical. The obviousness with which the horse stands out helps my illustration be silly, but also portray the theme that I was originally aiming for.
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