Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Junior Self-Portrait Illustration: A Junior Self-Portrait Illustration by Arthur Owen (2011)

For this production, we were assigned to create an illustration in Adobe Illustrator that reflected an aspect of our character, one that had both good and bad implications. We had to incorporate symbols that represented both sides of this trait. I chose my tendency to be very analytical, to view problems very logically. The good side of this is that I solve problems well, and work well in an academic atmosphere. The bad side of this is that I often either lose sight of the beauty of something, or don't embrace a moment while I'm busy analyzing it. To convey this through art, I chose to first create a believable but still beautiful scene, and then overlay equations in the center while blurring everything around them. The equations represent my analytical tendency; they aren't blurred and are very sharp. They also represent intelligence. The rest of the scene represents the moments I'm missing; it's beautiful and yet it's blurred and difficult to see.
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