Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Field of Interests: A Junior Self-Portrait Illustration by Monica Hsu (2011)

As our second major assignment in Design, we were told to express our best feature, along with the weight that comes with it, into an integrated piece using solely Adobe Illustrator. For my piece, I displayed my best feature as being artistic. Art is my passion, and I plan to follow my dreams when I continue on with my college career. With this being my forte, mathematics and science does not land in my field of interest. However, for the rest of my family, it does. My father is an electrical engineer that works for Facebook, my mother is a Pharmacist, and my brother, I believe, is a genius. So through this, I created a visual piece of artwork that displays the conflict and pull between the two fields of interest. The left side of my artwork represents the scientific and mathematical side while the right displays my artistic interest. The girl with the flowing hair represents myself, separating the two opposing subjects. My artistic ability is something that is great and fufilling, but is also something that prevents me from following my family.
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