Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Self-Portrait Illustration: A Junior Self-Portrait Illustration by Nikki Kashani (2011)

For my self portrait illustration I depicted an aspect of myself that has both negative and contributions to my life. Often times, I begin to weigh out the positive and negatives of every decision I make. In a way, it helps me make better choices for myself, that I know will benefit me. However, often times it holds me back from opportunities that aren't always available for me. To portray this in my illustration I drew a bird sitting on a branch with the inside of it filled with symbols that are opposites. Below the bird are words that are constantly apparent in the birds self-conscious. These words also contradict each other. The constant theme of contradiction within my picture demonstrates how I always think of the good as well as the bad while decision making. Much like the bird, this causes me to remain safe, but sometimes miss out on the many opportunities of life.
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