Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Burning Adventures: A Junior Self-Portrait Illustration by Paige Topole (2011)

I am an adventurous person, though sometimes my sense of adventure gets me in trouble. To demonstrate this in a illustration I used a compass to show my adventurous side. The reason why the compass is on fire is to symbolize the danger that will sometimes evolve from this adventure. My compass is under the water because I am a scuba diver, and the water is somewhere where I tend to make some decisions that could be seen as dangerous. When I first got my scuba certification I kept on trying to go deeper then the rest of the group. Even though I knew of the consequences of going deeper then I am trained has very negative side effects such as the Carbon Monoxide poising. I kept trying to go deeper. After a couple of failed attempts I realized that my safety was not worth a quick thrill.
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