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Seeing Past the Sharp Edges: A Junior Self-Portrait Illustration by Rebecca Walton (2011)

One of my most prominent attributes is that I am extremely perceptive and therefore hold a good grasp on my identity and my surroundings. At the same time, I tend to hyper-focus on the littlest details that aren't worth worrying about. The metaphor I chose to represent my behavior and beliefs is stained glass. While I have a unique view on the world, I concentrate on the individual parts of the stained glass rather than view it as a whole. There's a positive aspect, though. When light shines through stained glass it casts a beautiful, colorful design. No stained glass is the same, and it makes me confident that I am unique from others. Also, stained glass is is always an interesting design; thus, I know I'm fortunate enough to have the experiences necessary to make certain decisions. My way of seeing everything has been composed of many influential events and people. However, I tend to get overwhelmed by everything that I see at once. Instead, I'll focus on only one section of the glass, or situation. I drew a sunset in the background to show how this pattern is continuous and recurring. It's difficult for me to control this habit and I find myself repeating the process. The girl who is meant to be me is black and white because I begin life as a blank person with no experience. I'm solely made of my innate traits. The way I view my life and how I behave is gradually decorated by all of my experiences. Stained glass can always be enhanced, and I know my view of the world isn't complete yet.
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