Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Self-Portrait Illustration: A Junior Self-Portrait Illustration by Austin Anaya (2011)

For my artist statement I portrayed the idea that I like to keep to myself. The positive thing about this is that I have lots of time to brainstorm. This is good because I can be self-reliant. The negative side of it is that I can keep to myself a lot. I would like to open up more and make some new friends and develop new ideas. So for my illustration, I portrayed a person by himself with a lightbulb coming out his head. The inside of his head is empty to show he can obtain more knowledge by exploring. This shows that he is a smart individual but doesn't experience the world as much as he should. Beyond him is a world of color and emotion that he has yet to explore. This shows if he opens up to the world he could gain new insight into his life.
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