Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Selflessness: A Junior Self-Portrait Illustration by Sonia Tagare (2011)

My illustration consists of a mother bear protecting her cubs from the hunter with a gun. In the process of protecting her cubs, she is shot by the hunter. Her cubs look scared at their mother's death as they look at her from behind the bush. In the background, a volcano erupts symbolizing nature's disagreement and rage with the bear's death. The clouds form a sad face as well. This illustration symbolizes the fact that sometimes I tend to help others more than I help myself. Whenever I see someone in need, I drop my current actions and go to help them. While this is a selfless act that is intended to help others, it can take a toll of my own life because more attention is being paid to others versus to myself, as shown with the mama bear and her cubs. She selflessly sacrifices herself for her cubs, but she is hurt in the process.
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