Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Narrative Illustration: A Junior Narrative Illustration by Courtney Cooper (2012)

I based my Narrative illustration on my 55 word fiction we wrote in English class. In my story the main character Amanda pulled an all night-er studying to prepare for the test she was taking the next day. Then next day Amanda sits at her desk ready to take the test, but she suddenly starts to feel sleepy and regrets pulling the all night-er. As a result she closes her eyes for what seems like just a moment, but ends up sleeping through the entire test. My story ends with Amanda's teacher waking her up telling her the test is over. To represent elements that were in my narrative story I first drew a hand literally catching a pile of falling Z's to show how Amanda needs sleep. Then to show the how Amanda ran out of time for the test I had clocks fall from the sky with the words ''I am running out of time'' trailing behind them. Lastly to represent the element of Amanda pulling an all night-er, and how it was the cause of the entire story, I made the sky be a starry night.
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