Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Forgetting The City: A Junior Narrative Illustration by Devan Tormey (2012)

Teenagers as superheroes, definitely not a good idea, let alone dorky teenagers with no self esteem. David is one of those. He asks his best friend to help him become a better superhero but only does this to get the girl he likes. In the most cliché teen drama way his friend informs him that all he needs to do is ask her out because he isn't five anymore. Needless to say he does and she says yes. The picture I drew represents the underlying metaphor and moral of my story. It shows how our youth and teenagers are too caught up in our own personal drama to pay attention to the outside world. The city may be under attack and our world may be falling apart but we pay no attention because we are to distracted by our soaps. The only thing that can save us is each other.
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