Freestyle Academy proudly presents

From Madness, Beauty: A Junior Narrative Illustration by Jackson Bartlett (2012)

The challenge we were tasked with in this assignment was to, using Adobe Illustrator, create a visual metaphor that relates a story to its audience. We could use abstract or literal visual symbols, but were required to uniquely incorporate a form of literary text into the image. My illustration relates the universal and collectively plaguing abnorms experienced by many individuals, which allows them an outlet of unbridled creative enthusiasm. The tangle of colorless confusion represents the calamity of society, and how those who fail to fall under the standardly defined quota of ''normal'' are often neglected, isolated or become reclusive by choice. However their seldom visible intellect and unmatched creativity are embodied in the vivid and undeniably beautiful rose that snakes its way through the madness. The text within this image defines it best, simply stating, ''Madness, from beauty.'' Interpret as you please.
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