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Similarities : A Junior Narrative Illustration by Jessica Lee (2012)

In design class, our assignment was to create an illustration that depicted a story. In my illustration, I have a shadow of an old dying tree and a baby sprout. These two objects represent two of my characters, the old man and a child In my story, the old man and the baby differ in some aspects and are very similar in others. While the old man does not feel as if he belongs in the body of an old man, the child does not believe that he is young and believes he can do anything he desires. The old tree represents old age and death, while the baby sprout represents youthfulness and innocence. On the left, there is a sun and on the right, there is a moon. The sun represents dawn and the birth of a new day. The moon represents the night or the end of a day. In my story I illustrate the similarities between both old age and the youthful. Although they have many differences, there are also similarities such as poor motor skills. Both the man and the child believe they do not belong in their bodies and aspire to be each other. The young aspire to be old and carry more responsibility . The old aspire to be young and carefree.
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