Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Through Her Eyes: A Junior Narrative Illustration by Jessica Vergara (2012)

In design, our assignment was to get a story we previously made in our english class and create an illustration where we show our character's internal and external conflict while incorporating typography into it. I used my graphic novel story where this girl has been called all these mean names during middle school and taunted all throughout high school. She's eventually sent to the hospital and begins judging those people based on the outside rather than the inside. Her attitude has been changed and she becomes a pessimist. For my illustration, I used the typography element to make her hands with all the mean words she's been called to show that all the words people have called her have permanently stuck on to her and changed her completely. Around her hands is a bright and starry scene, but between her hands is a black hole that sucks in all her happiness and light around her to portray her pessimism and that she only sees the darkness in everything.
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