Freestyle Academy proudly presents

The Tides of Change: A Junior Narrative Illustration by Jonah Abkowitz (2012)

A wealthy Stock broker walks by the same homeless couple every day. Everyday they ask if he can spare a few coins. Everyday he ignores them. One day the stock market crashes, and the Stock broker loses everything. His house, car, job, and all his money. He ends up on the street with only the clothes on his back, and the $3000 watch on his wrist. Coincidently, he ends up living next to the same homeless couple that had begged him for a few coins. When he asks them for help, they ignore him. My illustration shows the $3000 watch on the wrist of the Stock broker. His arm is not completely filled in, because he is less of a man than he originally was. My illustration is titled the tides of change, because it shows the story of something that can go wrong extremely fast.
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