Freestyle Academy proudly presents

A Convoluted Report: A Junior Narrative Illustration by Jonathan Hollin (2012)

This piece of art is a commentary on the current state of society, and the distortion of facts by some outlets of media. Because much our society relies on these these sources for nearly all information and guidance, their influence is virtually limitless within their information bubble. Unfortunately, without proper fact checking, and given unavoidable political bias, information is often relayed in a manner which carries unjust implications and messages. My illustration displays two trees, in a field of random reflections and distortions. Only their silhouette is visible, representing the mere outline of a story being exposed, implying that much of their detail is intentionally left out. In this field of distortion, and with so much of the story left out, the message of these stories can be convoluted to fit any number of arguments or philosophies.
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