Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Fear and Fuzz: A Junior Narrative Illustration by Julia Day (2012)

Fear and Fluff is based on the short story of a bully victim. Every day he would be harassed and tormented by the bully, and eventually he was afraid to walk around his school. He would turn his head around at every other step, making sure the bully wouldn't get him. Finally he requested to be home-schooled instead, and he never faced his fears or his bully. My illustration represents this story by converting the bully into a fierce and unintelligible dog, and the victim into a helpless kitten. The brick wall laced with words of fear symbolizes the kitten's trapped feeling of helplessness, and his despair of the situation. The kitten will run against the wall for ages, but he can never get away. Eventually he will have to confront both his fear and his bully.
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