Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Give and Take: A Junior Narrative Illustration by Matthew Iverson (2012)

My story is about relationships, and how there is a factor of give and take. Like relationships between people, relationships in nature is all about taking and giving back, which creates a cycle of balance that, is needed to preserve the existing system. However, if one takes too much and doesn't give enough or give back at all, the cycle of balance is incomplete and eventually collapses. My illustration tells this story by showing how too much taking and not enough giving can effect an entire cycle. The tree gives food and homes to various animals, and in return the animals spread the tree's seeds and keep it healthy, but not all animals and humans give back as much as they take. The mosquito represents all parasites and greedy people that suck the life and color out of a relationship and never give back anything in return, thus ruining the relationship.
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