Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Deception: A Junior Narrative Illustration by Melanie Hugoo (2012)

The story behind my illustration is about giving a second chance, but not two. In this story, a girl spills her best friend's secret, which she had promised to keep. The first time, her friend is upset but ends up forgiving her. She swears never to break a promise ever again, however, a day later, she spills her friend's secret once again, and gets caught. She begs her to give her one last chance and tells her she won't ever do something like that again, but this time, the girl stays true to her beliefs and ends their friendship for good. She makes what used to be her ''best friend'' walk out of her life for good, and moves on for the better. To show this story metaphorically, I used an engagement ring to symbolize a promise. It's the only thing left on the table because it's supposed to emphasize someone having a promise that was made to them be broken, and therefore taking the ring off and leaving it behind to be able to move on. Also, the empty picture frame to show how the memories are being gotten rid of. The taxi, and suitcase I added to make it obvious to the readers that someone is leaving, and the door being wide open with footsteps to show someone walking out the door for good. The reason why the carpet, couch, and suitcase are transparent to make it seem as though the memories that accompanied them are slowly fading away and being forgotten. Slowly, everything except for the ring is disappearing. I also added words that make the footsteps' shape to give clues about the story to the viewers, in case they don't know the story behind the illustration.
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