Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Looks Deceive.: A Junior Narrative Illustration by Michelle Chan (2012)

For our narrative illustration we were told to illustrate one of the stories we had written in the past school year. I chose a 55 Word Fiction that I wrote in English: Another white envelope was placed in her stash of presents. How boring. Another gift card. Oh well, just be thankful. As she opened the envelope, to her surprise, two tickets for a trip to New York were embedded inside. What a great present after all. I guess you could say the message is to not judge a book by its cover and that the outward appearance of things can deceive. For my illustration I drew an oyster that had a pearl in it, and others that didn't. When I was little I remember walking through some sort of farmers market where one of the booths was selling oysters. You pay for one of them hoping that inside will be a pearl. It's a small gamble, but for some a little thrill. It's sort of like my illustration. Outside there is an ugly shell, but inside a beautiful pearl. You just don't know it until you've opened it. Also in my illustration was the typography that we were asked to include. The smaller oysters represent the ''unwanted presents'' with no pearl inside with the words outlining the emptiness. The other oyster is the ''wanted present'' with the words outlining the oyster with adjectives that are happy.
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