Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Trapped: A Junior Narrative Illustration by Nathan Becker (2012)

I based my Narrative Illustration on the following short story I created in English class:
She was cornered. She looked for a way out.
''I don't have all day,'' he belted.
She whimpered, ''Please, just give me a little more time.''
He let out a dramatic sigh and said, ''Come on, this isn't a life or death decision.''
''You're right,'' she said, ''I'll have the Fish Fillet.'' The text in my Narrative Illustration states, ''Things are not always as they appear. Look around before you begin to fear.'' This is the basic premise of my story. Initially, it appears the woman is being abused, but it later becomes clear she is simply at a restaurant, unsure what to order. Although the story is humorous, it has some truth to it. Often times people make premature and false judgements that are completely off-base and this story causes readers to do just that. In my Narrative Illustration, a fish is being scooped up in a fish net by a sailor. The fish is afraid and worried it will be killed by the sailor. However, the fish does not see that there is a school of sharks below, waiting to devour him. The fish in the Narrative Illustration has no connection to the fish fillet in the short story, it is just a coincidence.
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