Freestyle Academy proudly presents

In the name of wheels : A Junior Narrative Illustration by Paige Topole (2012)

My story is about a girl that wants something, though due to her limitations she prevents herself from achieving her goal. In the beginning of my story she is with her friend, who all have cars and she realizes that to with a car comes freedom as well as food. In order to obtain her dream car she tries to get some jobs to pay for her car, though her problem is that every job she takes she is either fired or not hired due to her clumsiness. Though one day as she is walking down the street she trips over an envelope. Inside of that envelope was enough money to purchase the car that she wanted. To demonstrate my story through illustrator I drew a pig to represent the girl's quest to get more money. One the pigs feet are wheels to represent that with the money she wanted to buy a car. On the pigs side there are cracks to show the how the girl was clumsy. In the air above the pig are birds that are made of words that are adjectives to freedom to represent how all of the pig's friends were able to soar above with their cars. Next to the pig is a cupcake with sprinkles that are made of words, to show how the girl wanted to get her prize because when her friends got their cars they would always leave her behind to get food together. Though in between the pig and the cup cake is a fire with word sparks, this represents another limitation that the girl was facing, for in my illustration it would be impossible for the pig to get to the food without wings, which in my story would be a car.
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