Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Arrogance: A Junior Narrative Illustration by Sonia Tagare (2012)

A girl, named Taylor, leaves her bike outside for the night. While doing the dishes, she looks outside only to find someone stealing her bike. Although she can't see the face of the criminal, she sees that the girl is wearing the shoe brand, TOMS. Taylor and her sister, Morgan, go around their school stalking all the girls they see who wear TOMS. However, they do not find the culprit. While Morgan chooses to leave the case to the police, Taylor is determined to find the culprit herself, thereby showing her arrogant and over-confident persona. Later, Taylor goes again in search for her bike only to find it on the lawn of a house she passes by. As she steals the bike, she doesn't realize that the bike is actually not hers, but is the boy's, who lives inside the house. The boy sees her and is shocked that someone stole his bike. The guy sees Taylor's face and her UGG boots, and the cycle of suspicion continues. My composition portrays a red, cloudy eyeball sitting in the eye of a flame. The eyeball has many dead trees inside of it, symbolizing the effects of the fire on nature. The entire composition shows Taylor's arrogant and overconfident persona, that, in turn, hurts everyone, including herself. While the fire represents Taylor, the dead trees represent the people who have been on the other side of her suspicion. The eyelashes are also symbolic, as they typographically show the letter ''A,'' which stands for ''arrogant.'' The cloudiness inside the pupil and iris set the mood for the story as they represent the mystery behind the stolen bike.
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