Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Rosaline McDarren: A Senior Profile Portrait by Alanna Rice (2011)

My character, Rosaline McDarren, is an accomplished musician and freelance writer and philosopher. She is highly educated, yet refuses to work and has been living off her parents' inheritance money in order to pay her rent; she's content with staying home all day basking in her idleness. However, she has depleted her parents' money and has received an eviction notice. Rosaline now has to make a decision to either get a job and keep her house, or stay with her idle habits and become homeless with her French horn in hand. Rosaline is shown as the rather uncaring individual she is. She is portrayed with an over sized flannel shirt, unfriendly black hair, and deteriorating nail polish. However, her definite love for her music is evident through her holding her French horn as she looks at her eviction notice, as if she's guarding it. Her expression offers a sense of conflict and worry. The dark background and shadows show her isolated situation, which only she can fix.
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