Freestyle Academy proudly presents

A Midnight Rush: A Senior Profile Portrait by Nicholas Wilson (2011)

My character is somewhat of an adrenaline junkie. Whether its mountain biking, skydiving, or surfing, he does whatever necessary to get that rush that gets his blood pumping. Surfing at night can be classified as dangerous, but he lives for the excitement. In this scenario, it is a full moon with high tides and he has decided to catch a few waves by himself. This image is taken moments before doing so and captures the ominous feel to the night. My photo utilizes the dramatization created effectively by lighting. Veering from the conventional three-point lighting, I decided to use one single light in order to capture the essence of the moon and all of its power. This single light casts very heavy and deep shadows along the contours of the face and creates a very dramatic mood that invokes a sense of mysteriousness and peril.
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