Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Comic Strip Illustration: A Senior Comic Strip by Julia White (2012)

For my comic strip, I chose to portray a pivotal scene of my short story. In the actual story, the main character, Matthieu, faces a personal dilemma in which he confronts his monotonous life and learns to take risks. He finds himself on Highway 17 with a girl named Natalie from his school. In itself, this event was highly unlike anything he had ever done. The height of his anxiety is the moment where his mother his calling him and he must decide to answer the call or ignore it. For him, answering means reverting to his past ways, and ignoring the call continues his risky behavior. I decided to represent this moment with cute aliens leaving their planet in a tiny spaceship. They are having a grand old time when suddenly the male alien, Matthieu, sees the hologram appear signifying an incoming call from his mother. I wanted to particularly show the moment in which he decides to ignore the call, the height of his new outlook on life.
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