Freestyle Academy proudly presents

The Adventures of Albert Poulet: A Senior Comic Strip by Kateryna Fomenko (2012)

My comic-strip retells the story of a little boy named Albert who must conquer his fear of failure in order to save his town from destruction. The beginning of the comic shows Albert hearing about the threat of a great hurricane headed for Maples, his hometown, and expresses the town's urgent need for a generator. As the comic progresses, Albert is shown conflicted with his decision of whether to admit that he can save the town, with the possibility of failure, or keep it to himself and hope that someone else will fix the problem. Eventually he decides he has to help the town, and so in the middle of the night he gathers his generator and drops it off in front of city hall. The next morning, the town mayor is seen on the television thanking the anonymous contributor that saved the little town of Maples. In my comic, Albert is represented by a little figure with enormous glasses peeking out from inside a box. I chose for Albert to be permanently within a box in order to resemble how his fear of failing keeps him hidden and isolated from the rest of the world. The over-sized glasses are meant to resemble his intelligence, and how both he and his intelligence are hidden within the box that secludes him from everybody and everything.
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