Freestyle Academy proudly presents

And the hand struck zero: A Senior Comic Strip by Pierre-Henri Joubert (2012)

My comic is based on a short story that I wrote about a young man named Ray who was forced to join the criminal underworld and commit crimes in order to pay for his mother's medical treatments. He kept this secret from his mother, and she believed that he was a completely innocent son. On one of these jobs, Ray is caught by police, and in order to keep his secret and have his mother continue believing that he is a good man even after death, he chose to commit suicide by cop instead of giving himself up. In the comic, I symbolized Ray's inevitable death by replacing his head with a digital clock. I also showed his criminal background by making him wear a black business suit, with a blood-red tie. In the end, Ray is simply a victim of circumstance, and his character is an example of the constant shades of gray present in true characters, for no one person is completely good or completely evil.
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