Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Big: A Senior Comic Strip by Carlo Pio di Savoia (2012)

My comic is a story about a not so successful, clown school dropout named Alex Big. He has gone through much of his life doing with the least amount of effort required and now works as a cartoon character impersonator at the local amusement park, finding some humor in that he plays a gleeful character when in reality he is depressed and demotivated. Alex is a lanky, uninspired and empty person who's life has brought nothing to show, represented by the hole inside of him. I chose to do much of the comic in black and white to convey the tone that had to be done with images rather than words, as well as to accentuate the panel with the boss' door looming high. I did not have the ability to create as much of a backstory as I did in the written version of this, so I did my best to capture the climax and most pivotal scene which showed Alex's true character without the need of previous explanation.
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